The PC-SIG Library 9
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EDRAW - Easydraw
Computer Drawing Program
for the IBM PC and
IBM Graphics Printer/Epson
Version 3.2
(C) Copyright Emark Systems 1985,1986.
Distribution manual does not contain figures and illustrations.
WHAT IS EDRAW----------------------------------- 1
LICENSE----------------------------------------- 1
EDRAW REQUIREMENTS------------------------------ 3
WELCOME----------------------------------------- 4
EDRAW INSTALLATION------------------------------ 4
FLOPPY USER INSTALLATION------------------------ 4
HARD DISK USER INSTALLATION--------------------- 5
AUTOMATED DEMONSTRATION(S)---------------------- 5
EDRAW COLOR'S----------------------------------- 5
EDRAW.CFG--------------------------------------- 6
EDRAW ANATOMY----------------------------------- 6
LOAD A DRAWING---------------------------------- 7
SAVE A DRAWING---------------------------------- 8
PRINT A DRAWING--------------------------------- 9
DISPLAY PARAMETERS------------------------------ 9
DISPLAY DISK FILES------------------------------ 10
INITIAL DRAWING SETUP--------------------------- 10
WINDOW MODE------------------------------------- 10
PANNING----------------------------------------- 11
ERASE ENTIRE DRAWING---------------------------- 11
DRAW MODE SUMMARY------------------------------- 12
CHECKMARK / CURSOR------------------------------ 14
DRAWING/DELETING LINES-------------------------- 14
BOXES AND CIRCLES------------------------------- 14
ERASE------------------------------------------- 15
MOVE / COPY------------------------------------- 15
HELP MENU--------------------------------------- 16
FILL AN AREA------------------------------------ 16
HORIZONTAL & VERTICAL WIDTH--------------------- 16
MICRO-POSITIONING------------------------------- 16
LIFT-------------------------------------------- 17
MAGNIFY----------------------------------------- 17
UX UY DIFF-------------------------------------- 18
TABS-------------------------------------------- 19
A BUZZING REMINDER------------------------------ 19
FONTS------------------------------------------- 20
SYMBOL MODE SUMMARY----------------------------- 20
SYMBOLS----------------------------------------- 21
PUT SYMBOLS------------------------------------- 22
F3 XOR------------------------------------------ 22
LOADING SAVED SYMBOLS--------------------------- 22
SAVING SYMBOLS---------------------------------- 23
F6 OPEN SYMBOL PATH----------------------------- 23
AUTOMATED DEMONSTRATION------------------------- 24
MANUAL TUTORIAL--------------------------------- 24
MOUSE SUPPORT----------------------------------- 27
Copyright (C) 1985,1986 Emark Systems. 11-09-1987 page 1
WHAT IS EDRAW--------------------------------------------------
Edraw - Easydraw - is an IBM PC based general purpose drawing
program designed for technical people like engineers, teachers,
students, technicians etc.. In addition to drawing lines,
boxes, circles, symbols, etc., the USER-SUPPORTED program
includes logic/electronic symbols and fonts which enable users
to draw electronic circuits. Edraw can load/save symbols, and
is not limited by the viewing screen. Edraw is fast; it
features automatic panning and mouse support.
Edraw requires a standard color graphic adapter (CGA) or an
enhanced graphic adapter (EGA) and supports the Epson or
compatible graphic printers.
Copyright (C) Emark Systems, 1985,1986. All rights reserved.
Edraw is being distributed according to the "shareware"
concept. Users are encouraged to try the program for the
purpose of evaluating its suitability for their needs. Users
are also encouraged to make unmodified copies of the Edraw
distribution disk for the trial use of others, on the express
condition that no fee or other consideration (other than the
cost of the disk) may be requested or accepted for the copies.
The use of Edraw by any individual, business, corporation,
government agency or other entity, beyond the limited purpose
of evaluation, requires registration. For further information,
please see "Ordering/Registration Information" section.
Once registered, a user may move the software and manual freely
from one computer location to another so long as there is NO
POSSIBILITY of the software being used at more than one
location simultaneously.
The contents of an unmodified Edraw distribution disk may be
packed or archived as long as the reverse process maintains its
original unmodified content.
ORDERING/REGISTRATION INFORMATION------------------------------
If, after trying the program on the distribution disk, users
decide they would like to use Edraw on a regular basis, they
must register with Emark Systems by placing an order for the
complete fully documented program.
Copyright (C) 1985,1986 Emark Systems. 11-09-1987 page 2
Registered users of Edraw are entitled to use the software on a
regular basis. They will receive full documentation, extending
that which is included on the evaluation disk.
The $49.95 registration fee entitles the user to these
1. Edraw (the fully documented computer drawing program).
2. A printed manual containing:
a) Figures and illustrations. (A graphic drawing
program is best learned with the aid of graphic
b) Schematic application notes.
c) Printed circuit board application notes.
d) Instructions on merging figures with ascii files.
e) Flowchart and data flowchart application notes.
3. Single machine license to use Edraw.
4. Additional fonts designed for Epson printers.
5. EMIX - a program to mix figures with ascii files. For
example: Entering EMIX MANUAL.DOC would print the ascii
file MANUAL.DOC (the document you are reading). Imbedded
in the textual information are .FIGURE commands. EMIX
will place the requested EDRAW drawed figure at this
location on the printout.
6. EPRINT.EXE a program that prints EDRAW drawings at the
DOS level. For example: EPRINT CPU1 CPU2 CPU3 /F <ret>
would print three drawings with a formfeed between each
one and double strike each drawing.
7. Future updates - plotting user generated data points.
A form is included in the back of the manual for registration
and ordering. Corporate, government agency, or other
commercial users must be registered.
EMARK SYSTEMS makes no representation, claims, or warranties
with respect to the contents of this manual or the software
which it describes, and specifically disclaims any implied
warranties including those of merchantability or fitness for a
particular purpose. EMARK SYSTEMS reserves the right to
change the manual or software at any time without notice.
Copyright (C) 1985,1986 Emark Systems. 11-09-1987 page 3
IBM and IBM PC are trademarks of International Business
Machines Corporation.
Mouse Systems and Designer Pop-up are trademarks of Mouse
Systems Corporation.
Microsoft is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Hercules is a trademark of Hercules Computer Technology.
Radio Shack is a trademark of Tandy Corporation.
Edraw has been tested on the following computers:
IBM (not jr.)
Radio Shack 1000, 1200, 3000, 4000
EDRAW REQUIREMENTS-------------------------------------------
MS-DOS 2.0 or greater.
IBM Color Graphics Adapter (CGA) or compatible or IBM
Enhanced Graphics Adapter (EGA). EDRAW has been tested
succesfully with CGA simulators on HERCULES graphic
320k memory.
Edraw has been tested on the following printers:
FX80, FX100, FX185, MX80, MX80(graftrax)
IBM graphics printers
Spectra LX-80
Radio Shack DMP series (in the IBM mode)
Hewlett Packard laser jet plus, Thinkjet, and QuietJet
To test Edraw with your monitor and graphics card, run the
following program from within BASICA.
20 LINE(0,0)-(450,150),1
Copyright (C) 1985,1986 Emark Systems. 11-09-1987 page 4
If a diagonal line appears on the screen, the computer will
support Edraw.
.figure HZLIN
Welcome to Edraw (Easydraw), the lowest cost professional
drawing program. Support your shareware programs.
Edraw is easy to learn, and produces professional results in
a very short period of time. Edraw is portable and runs on
IBM personal computers or clones that can be found in
offices, schools, and homes throughout the world.
Edraw will revolutionize your drawing in the same fashion
that word processors revolutionized writing. The user will do
the thinking; Edraw will perform the more repetitive and
mundane aspects of executing a drawing.
Edraw allows you to design and edit a library of your own
symbols. For schematic applications, Edraw allows you to
design at a functional level and does not commit you to
specific components too early in the design process.
With a few glue parts, engineers, teachers, students, and home
hobbyists can design a circuit with free-form style. Since
Edraw is easy to edit, the designer can experiment with
drawings in much the same manner as word processors experiment
with and fine-tune text.
.figure DEMONS
EDRAW INSTALLATION---------------------------------INTRODUCTION
Before beginning any installation, make a backup of the EDRAW
disk. Place EDRAW in the A drive and a blank disk in the B
drive. Enter the DOS request DISKCOPY A: B: .
To eliminate disk clutter and to separate symbols as to
function, EDRAW's symbols, EDRAW'S fonts, and user-created
symbols operate thru sub-directories; different types of
symbols are stored in different directories. A user can delete
an unwanted group of symbols by eliminating that directory.
The sub-directory names are easily maintained by the user in an
ascii file called EDRAW.CFG.
Copyright (C) 1985,1986 Emark Systems. 11-09-1987 page 5
Make a working EDRAW disk by first formatting a floppy with
the /S option. The /S option will place a copy of DOS on
the disk.
Insert the EDRAW distribution disk into drive A and the
formatted disk into drive B and enter:
A: <ret>
The following steps will create an EDRAW sub-directory and
several symbol sub-directories on a hard drive. The steps
will also create your first EDRAW.CFG file.
Insert the EDRAW disk into drive A and type [INSTALL1 x
ret]. The x indicates the fixed drive name. (Do not type a
colon after the drive name.)
Upon beginning an EDRAW session you should make sure that
the number lock key is not set.
To run the program enter:
EDRAW contains one or more automated DEMOs. To start the
DEMOs, see Tutorial section of this manual.
EDRAW COLOR'S--------------------------------------INTRODUCTION
EDRAW'S colors depend on the type of graphic card used and on
parameter settings.
Except for an Enhanced Graphic Adapter, the user selects the
graphic card thru the command line:
EDRAW <ret> CGA without a color monitor
EDRAW /2<ret> CGA with a color monitor
EDRAW /3<ret> Radio Shack RS1000 computer
Color is automatic on a Enhanced Graphic Adapter.
Copyright (C) 1985,1986 Emark Systems. 11-09-1987 page 6
EDRAW is a multipurpose drawing program permitting users to
separate symbols thru sub-directories. It is most conven-
ient, but not necessary for these sub-directory names to be in
EDRAW.CFG. EDRAW.CFG is an ascii file containing path names
used by EDRAW - it may be edited by the user.
Fonts are a special class of symbols and their path names are
also in EDRAW.CFG.
EDRAW looks for EDRAW.CFG first in the current directory, then
in the root directory. Executing EDRAW'S "install" batch files
will create the users first EDRAW.CFG file on a fixed disk.
A user desiring to invent a new class of symbols like flow-
charting or chemistry symbols should use MKDIR in DOS to create
a directory, then insert the new path name into EDRAW.CFG. In
EDRAW, draw the symbols and use F5 in the SYMBOL mode to create
the new library. Shown below is an example of EDRAW.CFG on a
hard disk drive.
.figure SAMPTH
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EDRAW ANATOMY--------------------------------------UTILITY MODE
Edraw consists of five modes that allow users to perform
various electronic drawing functions. Edraw sessions start
from the UTILITY mode. From the UTILITY mode, Edraw users can
enter WINDOW mode. Once in WINDOW mode, users can loop or move
from the WINDOW mode, to the DRAW mode, to the TEXT mode simply
by pressing the F9 key. While in the DRAW mode users can enter
SYMBOL mode either by lifting an area of the screen, or by
pressing F2. Pressing the ESC key from WINDOW, DRAW, or TEXT
mode will return the user to the UTILITY menu.
Prompts are scrolled from the bottom of the screen. Users
should respond to the lowest prompt.
.figure ANATOMY
Edraw has several menus that function in approximately the same
fashion. The arrow keys or the space bar can be used to move
the selection bar. After highlighting the desired menu option,
users can press the return key to perform a menu selection.
An example of the UTILITY menu appears in the UTILITY mode
section of this manual.
Copyright (C) 1985,1986 Emark Systems. 11-09-1987 page 7
Edraw has a users menu that appears on the bottom of the CRT
in WINDOW, DRAW, TEXT, and SYMBOL modes. The users menu is
found under the solid horizontal line that spans the lower
portion of the CRT. The users menu contains the most used
functions for each Edraw mode and provides access to other
Edraw commands available in the current Edraw mode.
The lower right side of the screen will always tell the user
which Edraw mode they are currently utilizing. Users that
have enabled Edraw's color capabilities, will see each Edraw
mode presented in a different color as an extra reminder of
their current mode.
Edraw relies heavily on the function keys as a means of
performing frequently used Edraw tasks. Function keys are the
keys on the left of your keyboard that are marked with a
capital F and a number from one to ten. Users will quickly
remember which function keys can be used to perform Edraw tasks
without having to utilize the arrow keys to highlight a
menu selection. Due to the large number of Edraw commands,
function keys have different meanings in each mode.
Edraw commands can be issued via function keys, number keys,
word commands, or alphabetic characters. Number keys are
located on the top of the keyboard and are different than the
function keys.
Edraw's UTILITY mode allows users to perform many of the
tasks required to begin a drawing, to save a drawing, or to
print a drawing. The UTILITY mode allows users with color
monitors to specify which colors they want to appear on the
CRT in various Edraw modes, to select the printer and
drawing orientation, to load and save Edraw drawings, and to
display files located on a given drive.
.figure UTILMU
LOAD A DRAWING-------------------------------------UTILITY MODE
Drawings can be loaded from the UTILITY menu by pressing the F1
key or by highlighting the "load a drawing" option either with
the arrow keys or with the space bar.
Edraw will prompt the user with "Depress enter to load a
drawing." If you do not want to load a drawing you can press
any other key and return to the UTILITY menu. Otherwise,
pressing enter will cause a "file name?" prompt to appear on
the CRT. At this point you can enter the file name using
DOS format of D:filename. Edraw will automatically assign the
required extensions, but will limit the file name to seven
Copyright (C) 1985,1986 Emark Systems. 11-09-1987 page 8
After a drawing is loaded, the UTILITY menu will appear on the
CRT. In order to view the drawing, select WINDOW mode from
the UTILITY menu.
When saving a drawing or loading a drawing the screen will
temporarily appear fuzzy and distorted. This is a natural
Edraw occurrence and will not affect the drawing's resolution
in future drawing sessions.
SAVE A DRAWING-------------------------------------UTILITY MODE
Drawings can be saved from the UTILITY menu by pressing the F5
key or by highlighting the "save this drawing" option and
pressing the return (or enter) key.
Once again, Edraw prompts the user with "Depress ENTER to
save a drawing." If you do not wish to save a drawing,
press any other key to return to the UTILITY menu.
At the "Filename ?" prompt, enter a drive specification and
up to seven characters for a file name. If you enter a file
name with more than seven characters, the save process will
be aborted. The drawing still exists, and you should perform
the "save" process again with fewer characters in the
Edraw only allows a seven letter name to be used for a file
name, With no three letter extention. For every Edraw file
that a user saves, Edraw will create a file that remembers
the drawing's parameter settings and at least one file that
contains the drawing. The parameter settings will be stored in
a file with a .PRM extension. If a user creates a large
drawing, Edraw may store the drawing in several files. These
files are automatically assigned numbers by Edraw and that is
why Edraw files can only be saved with a name of seven
characters or less. Edraw assigns the last character and the
Drawings can be hierarchical; they can be saved in different
directories according to a level. Create a directory with
the directory name describing the top level. Ensure that
the DOS path statement knows about the \EDRAW directory - DOS
needs to know where EDRAW.EXE resides. Go into the new
directory and enter EDRAW ret to run the program EDRAW.EXE.
Save your drawings with hierarchical names like PAGE1, PAGE2,
etc. or make further hierarchical sub-directories for more
EDRAW does not permit saving into different directories but you
can go to a directory manually and operate EDRAW with the
following requirements:
Copyright (C) 1985,1986 Emark Systems. 11-09-1987 page 9
The path statement must know where the program EDRAW.EXE
EDRAW.CFG must be in the current directory - or a copy can
be in the root directory - and EDRAW.CFG must contain
the path names of the symbols.
PRINT A DRAWING------------------------------------UTILITY MODE
Drawings can be printed by pressing the F3 key or by
highlighting the "print drawing" option and pressing the
return key. A printing menu will appear that will allow users
to print Edraw files on a number of printers. Selecting a
printer can be performed by using the up and down arrows or
the space bar to highlight your printer, or by entering the
number to the right of your printer.
When creating a drawing, determine which direction the
drawing will appear during printing. "Initial draw setup" is a
method to configure the drawing and is discussed later in this
section. NORMAL mode orients the drawing as it appears on the
CRT, LANDSCAPE mode will turn the drawing sideways 180
degrees during printing. Care should be taken to select the
printer and drawing orientation during "initial drawing
setup" because it is not always possible to re-orient
drawings once they have been initialized.
DISPLAY PARAMETERS---------------------------------UTILITY MODE
DISPLAY PARAMETERS option allows users to view or alter about
40 variables that affect drawings. Select the DISPLAY
PARAMETERS option from the UTILITY menu and use the arrow keys
to browse through each of the 40 parameters.
Notice that the 40 parameters are laid out on a grid of
five columns and eight rows. Row one on the grid contains
parameters one through five, row two on the grid contains
parameters six through ten. The line directly under the
grid contains the parameter number that is currently
contained in the rectangular parameter selection box. The
four arrow keys can be used to scroll the parameter selection
box through the grid in any direction. (Some parameters have
not been assigned to allow room for future Edraw improvements.)
Parameters are further explained in the appendix of the printed
version of the users manual.
Copyright (C) 1985,1986 Emark Systems. 11-09-1987 page 10
DISPLAY DISK FILES---------------------------------UTILITY MODE
Edraw will display the disk files that are contained on any of
the disk drives. Users can display disk files either by
highlighting the menu selection or by pressing the F7 key.
After selecting the DISPLAY DISK FILES option, a prompt will
appear on the lower portion of the CRT that requests the
letter of the drive whose files are to be displayed. You
should enter only a letter. If a drive is entered that
does not exist, Edraw session will be ended and control
will revert to the default disk drive. Do not worry, as
long as the power is not interrupted, Edraw can be restarted
and you can work on your drawing as it appeared when the
DISPLAY DISK FILES command was performed.
INITIAL DRAWING SETUP------------------------------UTILITY MODE
INITIAL DRAWING SETUP establishes the resolution of this
drawing - the number of horizontal and vertical bits. The
resolution chosen is based on the printer type or printer modes
that the drawing will be printed on. Once the INITIAL DRAWING
SETUP has been established for a drawing, it is fixed for
that drawing. For schematic type drawings on an Epson type
printer, choose "narrow carriage Epson normal" or "wide
carriage Epson normal".
.figure NORPOR
INITIAL DRAWING SETUP also intializes the DRAW mode cursor
indicators UX and UY to read in inches.
INITIAL DRAWING SETUP is actually changing parameter numbers.
Parameter numbers are saved with the drawing. The recommended
procedure to draw many drawings based on a unique set of
parameters is: 1) customize the parameters, 2) erase the
drawing, and 3) save the drawing under a dummy name like
"MASTER" to be used over and over.
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WINDOW MODE-----------------------------------------WINDOW MODE
Copyright (C) 1985,1986 Emark Systems. 11-09-1987 page 11
WINDOW mode allows users to pan through and view their
drawings and to erase entire drawings.
WINDOW mode can be entered from the UTILITY mode by pressing
the F9 key, by using the up arrow or down arrow keys, or by
depressing the space bar until "go to WINDOW mode" is
highlighted and then pressing the return key.
PANNING---------------------------------------------WINDOW MODE
When in WINDOW mode, users can view their drawing by
pressing the right, left, up, or down arrow keys. Edraw allows
users to pan in any direction until they reach the edge of
their drawing.
Pan through a drawing, notice the "HSEG" and "VSEG" variables
near the lower left corner of your screen. These two
variables stand for Horizontal sections or Vertical sections
of the current drawing. The HSEG and VSEG are measured from
the top left corner of a drawing and represent the relative
position of your CRT in relationship to a drawing.
As you establish your initial drawing setup, you will also
establish the number of horizontal and vertical segments
spanned by your drawing. The CRT contains five horizontal
segments and ten vertical segments.
.figure HVFIG
The above illustration depicts the drawing as being fixed in
place and the CRT panning or scrolling over the fixed
HSEG and VSEG variables are always visible in the WINDOW mode.
In DRAW mode, TEXT mode, and SYMBOL mode, HSEG and VSEG
variables appear whenever panning causes Edraw to enter
another Vertical or Horizontal segment.
ERASE ENTIRE DRAWING--------------------------------WINDOW MODE
In WINDOW mode, pressing F1 will allow the user to erase an
entire drawing. This is a two-step task. Edraw will ask you
if you want to erase the whole drawing. This is the only
means through which you can erase drawings that you wish to
discard. (DRAW mode contains several methods to erase a portion
of a drawing.)
.figure UMWID
Copyright (C) 1985,1986 Emark Systems. 11-09-1987 page 12
NEXT MODE appears on the screen's lower right corner whenever
a user is in WINDOW, DRAW, SYMBOL, or TEXT mode. Pressing
F9 in WINDOW, DRAW, or TEXT mode advances the user into
the next Edraw mode.
IMPORT----------------------------------------------WINDOW MODE
Importing of screen images that were developed with other
programs is possible using two methods: importing BSAVE files
and importing screen-capture files from a screen-capture
All importing of screen images is implemented in the WINDOW
A BSAVE - binary save - screen image may be from a drawing
program like PC PAINT, PC-KEY-DRAW or may be your own designed
picture using BASICA. To load, depress CTRL L and enter the
complete filename of the BSAVE file. To place the screen
picture on EDRAW's picture depress CTRL N for normal or CTRL I
to invert the picture.
Loading screen-capture pictures is also very simple. Using the
screen-capture instructions (from your screen-capture program),
place the desired picture on the screen in the WINDOW mode. To
place the screen picture on EDRAW's picture depress CTRL N for
normal or CTRL I to invert the picture. A tested screen-
capture program is FRIEZE by ZSOFT INC. and will load PAINT-
PRUSH xxxxxx.PCX files.
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DRAW MODE SUMMARY-------------------------------------DRAW MODE
F2 SYMBOL moves the user into SYMBOL mode.
F3 UNDO erases the work that has been completed since:
1. the user pressed F10 HELP in DRAW mode;
2. the user pressed F5 FILL in DRAW mode; or
3. the user last panned.
F5 FILL shades an enclosed area and asks if the user is
Copyright (C) 1985,1986 Emark Systems. 11-09-1987 page 13
F7 HORIZONTAL alters the width of horizontal lines.
F8 VERTICAL alters the width of vertical lines.
F9 NEXT MODE advances users to TEXT mode.
CTRL(Z) places electrical short at cursor location.
.figure SHORT
CTRL(D) deletes electrical short from cursor location.
F10 HELP provides a menu driven list of DRAW mode commands
shown below.
.figure DRHELP
To erase an area or lift an area in the DRAW mode:
1) Depress the "INS" key in the upper left corner of an
imaginary box.
2) Move the cursor to the lower right corner of the
imaginary box and depress F10.
3) Highlight "erase an area" or "lift an area" and
depress RETURN.
WORD COMMAND SUMMARY----------------------------------DRAW MODE
CLRCRT erase the CRT.
ERASE or ER erase imaginary
box between
checkmark and
LIFT lift area enclosed in imaginary box between
checkmark and cursor.
USERZERO force UX and UY to reference this location.
MAGNIFY magnify 40 by 32 area or modify pixel bits.
DOTTED draw all lines
Copyright (C) 1985,1986 Emark Systems. 11-09-1987 page 14
SOLID draw all lines
The F9 key allows users to loop from WINDOW, to DRAW, to TEXT
mode. From WINDOW mode users should press F9 to enter DRAW
CHECKMARK / CURSOR------------------------------------DRAW MODE
DRAW mode screen tools consist of a checkmark and a cross-
hair cursor. The cross-hair cursor is moved by the arrow keys
and the checkmark is placed on the cursor with the INS key.
PARAMETER 5 controls how many bits the left and right arrow
keys and the "<" or ">" symbols will move the cursor. (See
Parameters section of this manual.)
DRAWING/DELETING LINES--------------------------------DRAW MODE
Depressing the RETURN key, the letter "v" or the letter "V"
will draw a line from the checkmark to the cursor. The
checkmark will automatically follow this line drawing
request. To draw a line from the checkmark but to maintain the
checkmark location, use the digit 3.
In the DRAW mode, the letter "p" will draw parallel lines
(vectors). The "p" command will draw a line that is parallel
to the last line or vector that was drawn.
.figure PARALL
In the DRAW mode, the DEL key or digit 9 will erase
anything on a straight line between the checkmark and the
cursor. The DEL key erases the line and moves the
checkmark to the cursor. Digit 9 erases the line and leaves
the checkmark at the same end of the line to be erased.
Since Edraw can display only two colors, erasing a line
through a shaded box will have the same result as drawing a
contrasting line through the box.
BOXES AND CIRCLES-------------------------------------DRAW MODE
In the DRAW mode, users can place the checkmark and
cursor at opposite corners of a desired box and press the
"[" or the "]" key. Edraw will automatically draw a box with
the checkmark and the cursor at opposite end of the box.
Copyright (C) 1985,1986 Emark Systems. 11-09-1987 page 15
To draw circles, place the checkmark in the desired center
of a circle, move the cursor horizontally to the edge of
the desired circle, and enter "(" or ")". When drawing
circles, it is essential that the cursor is placed
horizontally to the checkmark located in the center of the
desired circle.
.figure CIRCL
ERASE-------------------------------------------------DRAW MODE
In DRAW mode, CLRCRT will erase or clear the entire CRT. The
CLRCRT command will be visible on the lower left hand side of
the CRT as you type. Also, the CLRCRT command clears only
the space displayed on the CRT. The ERASE word command
erases everything contained inside the area between the
cursor and the checkmark. Often it is desirable to erase
many small areas of a drawing. In WINDOW mode the F1 command
allows users to erase an entire drawing.
The ERASE command can be found on the F10 HELP menu in DRAW
mode, or can be executed by typing ERASE from inside DRAW
mode. Regardless of which method is used to execute the
ERASE command, only the square or rectangular area between
the checkmark and the cursor will be erased.
MOVE / COPY-------------------------------------------DRAW MODE
Edraw has four related MOVE commands that enable users to
move areas that are larger than the CRT. These commands can
be located on the F10 HELP menu in the DRAW mode. All
four of the MOVE commands operate by Edraw asking the user
to place the checkmark on one corner of the large area they
wish to move, then asking the user to place the cursor on the
opposite corner of the area to be moved, and finally asking
the user to place the cursor on a new corner location where
he would like the marked area to be placed. Watch the
prompts closely!
With all of the MOVE or COPY commands, pressing ESC from any
point inside the command will abort the command and return
the user to the DRAW mode.
Edraw also enables users to copy square or rectangular
areas that are larger than the CRT screen. The COPYRIGHT,
COPYLEFT, COPYUP, COPYDOWN commands operate identically to
the MOVE commands except for the fact that they copy rather
than move a section of the drawing.
Copyright (C) 1985,1986 Emark Systems. 11-09-1987 page 16
HELP MENU---------------------------------------------DRAW MODE
After learning several of EDRAW's commands, the F10 HELP menu
should be recognized as another means of executing these same
DRAW mode commands or as a reminder of DRAW mode
commands. Press F10, and scan the list of DRAW mode commands.
Use the up and down arrow keys or the space bar to scroll
through the DRAW mode command menu. These commands can be
performed by highlighting the desired task and pressing
RETURN. Alternatively, users can enter the HELP menu simply to
remind themselves of a command and then enter ESC to return to
their drawing.
.figure DRHELP
FILL AN AREA------------------------------------------DRAW MODE
The F5 key allows users to fill in an enclosed area. Place the
cursor inside an enclosed area and press the F5 key. After the
area has been filled, Edraw will prompt you with a beep and ask
if you are satisfied. If you are not satisfied enter a "n" and
Edraw will erase the filled area. If you try to fill an area
that is not completely enclosed, Edraw will paint the entire
HORIZONTAL & VERTICAL WIDTH---------------------------DRAW MODE
F7 allows users to adjust the horizontal width of lines. The
default value for horizontal width is 1, and the upper limit
on horizontal width is 10.
As you press F7, notice the "enter a new horizontal line width
(1-10)?" prompt. Enter a number between 1 and 10 and watch
that number displayed above the "F7horiz". This is the
width that horizontal lines will be drawn until F7 is reset.
In DRAW mode, F8 adjusts the vertical width of a line.
Vertical widths default to 1, and can be set as high as 10.
Vertical width and horizontal width command sequences and
prompts are almost identical.
F9 allows the user to loop from DRAW mode, to TEXT mode.
MICRO-POSITIONING-------------------------------------DRAW MODE
In DRAW, SYMBOL, and TEXT modes, users can greatly enhance
their ability to control the cursor by pressing the shift
key and an arrow key at the same time ( or shift key and mouse
movement). In DRAW and SYMBOL modes, all four arrow keys can
be utilized in conjunction with the shift keys and allow the
user to move the cursor in minute increments.
Copyright (C) 1985,1986 Emark Systems. 11-09-1987 page 17
In TEXT mode only the up and down arrow keys can be used in
conjunction with the shift key. In DRAW mode, pressing the
HOME key will return users to the nearest Edraw co-
ordinate. Each time users enter DRAW, SYMBOL, or TEXT
modes, the cursor will be positioned on the coordinate
closest to the cursor.
Keeping the cursor on coordinates will make editing
sessions proceed faster since the arrow keys automatically
move on the coordinates. Press HOME to position the
cursor on the nearest coordinate.
LIFT--------------------------------------------------DRAW MODE
When in DRAW mode, the checkmark and cursor hairs can be used
to specify a section of the drawing to be moved or copied to
another location. The LIFT command is useful only for areas
that are smaller than the CRT. This can be accomplished
via the LIFT command or the "Lift an area, go to symbol mode"
option located on the F10 HELP menu. The LIFT command will
include all of the area bounded by the checkmark and the
cursor. Using the PUT command would cause the user to overlap
a section of a drawing with whatever was included in the lift
MAGNIFY-----------------------------------------------DRAW MODE
The MAGNIFY word command or the MAGNIFY AN AREA command that
is found on the F10 HELP menu allows users to turn pixels
on or off inside a 40 by 32 pixel area of the CRT. Once users
have magnified this area, the arrow keys are used to position
the cursor on a pixel. F5 will turn the pixel under the cursor
on or dark, while F6 will turn the pixel under the cursor off
or light colored.
Users can magnify any 40 by 32 pixel area on the CRT. Pos-
ition the cursor just above and to the left of the 40 by 32
area to be magnified. In order to closely position the
cursor, you might utilize DRAW mode's MICRO POSITIONING
ESC is used to move out of MAGNIFY and back into DRAW mode.
Users can move back and forth between DRAW mode and CAPS.
Finally, users can utilize Edraw's SYMBOL mode to save a
magnified area (or any area) of an EDRAW drawing to a library.
.figure MAGNIFY
Copyright (C) 1985,1986 Emark Systems. 11-09-1987 page 18
HSEG VSEG---------------------------------------------DRAW MODE
HSEG stands for horizontal segments and references
horizontal locations within a drawing. A drawing's left
border will be located in HSEG zero. As the user pans to
the right 128 bytes, HSEG will update in increments of 1. For
example, if the value of HSEG was 6, the user would know he
Was approximately 768 bytes to the right of the drawing's left
VSEG stands for vertical segments and references
vertical location within a drawing. A drawing's top border
will always be located in VSEG zero. Vertical segments are
measured in increments of 16. A VSEG of 10 implies that the
user was approximately 160 bytes below the drawing's top
UX UY DIFF--------------------------------------------DRAW MODE
UX measures horizontal distances. UY measures vertical
distances, and DIFF measures the distance between the
checkmark and the cursor.
When users perform INITIAL DRAWING SETUP in the UTILITY mode,
Edraw automatically sets parameters 21 and 22 so that UX, UY,
and DIFF represent inches on the type of printer that the
drawing will eventually be printed from. When UX equals 3.5,
this means the cursor location would be 3.5 inches to the
right of the printed drawings leftmost edge. If UY equaled
8.0, the cursor location would correspond to a location
eight inches below the top margin on a printed page. A DIFF
of 5.75 would mean that the distance between the cursor and
checkmark would be 5.75 inches apart on the printed drawing.
It is important that users recognize that UX, UY, and DIFF will
be accurate only for the printer that was selected during
SETUP at the start of a drawing, Edraw will present UX, UY,
and DIFF in pixels. (This manual's PARAMETERS sections 21
and 22 contain more detailed information that describes how
users can define their own scale for UX, UY, and DIFF.)
| |
| |
Copyright (C) 1985,1986 Emark Systems. 11-09-1987 page 19
TEXT MODE SUMMARY-------------------------------------TEXT MODE
F1 SET TAB will set a tab to the column where the cursor
box is located.
F2 CLEAR TAB clears all existing tabs.
F3 Establishes 10 evenly spaced tabs across the CRT.
F6 Opens path for fonts.
F9 NEXT mode advances users to WINDOW mode.
TABS--------------------------------------------------TEXT MODE
In TEXT mode, F1 will set a tab to the column where the
cursor is located. Users can set one or more tabs to help
them position text upon their drawings. Once a tab has been
set, pressing TAB will cause the cursor to move to the next
tab setting on the current line. The RETURN key will cause
the cursor to move to the next line and be positioned on the
leftmost tab setting.
In TEXT mode, F2 clears any previously set tabs. Users can
set and reset tabs as often as they wish.
F3 will set ten evenly spaced tabs. F3 first eliminates all
previously set tabs and then establishes ten evenly spaced
tabs. F3 provides a rapid mechanism for moving the cursor
horizontally across TEXT mode screens with the TAB key.
On a given line, users can move right one tab position by
pressing the TAB key. Pressing the SHIFT key and the TAB
key simultaneously will move the cursor one tab setting to the
A BUZZING REMINDER------------------------------------TEXT MODE
A warning buzzer can be set by pressing the END key while the
cursor is positioned in the desired location. For example,
users might press the END key in column 55. Once the END key
has been pressed, Edraw will buzz at users that try to enter
text or blank spaces in or past column 55. The F2 CLEAR TABS
FUNCTION is used to remove the warning buzzer.
Copyright (C) 1985,1986 Emark Systems. 11-09-1987 page 20
If users wish to enter a large amount of left-aligned text,
they should clear all tabs via F2, set another tab to the
desired location via F1, and then begin to enter their
text. At each carriage return, the cursor will move one
line down and rest at the desired tab setting. If users wish
to left-align text within box (or any other shape) in a
drawing, the warning buzzer can be set to buzz when text gets
close to the right boundary of the box.
FONTS-------------------------------------------------TEXT MODE
Depressing F6 in the TEXT mode will request that a font path
be selected. EDRAW looks for EDRAW.CFG in the current
directory, then in the root directory to read the path
names. Refer to EDRAW.CFG in the introduction section of this
.figure FONTS
All fonts can be micro-positioned by holding the SHIFT key and
an arrow key. Fonts 1, 2, and 3 are variable spaced - future
editing will require the user to use micro-positioning to place
the cursor on the desired character. Fonts 4 and 5 are fixed
spacing - micro-positioning not as important.
F1 is used to set the left margin. Depressing the RETURN
during the typing session will move the cursor to the left
margin even if the user types beyond the current screen.
F8 while in FONT mode will return the user back to normal
Use the DELETE key to delete a character at the cursor. The
DELETE key deletes more than the space bar.
| |
| |
SYMBOL MODE SUMMARY---------------------------------SYMBOL MODE
F1 PUT affixes an area from the computer's memory onto the
drawing. It treats the rectangular shaped area to be PUT on
the drawing as if it were a solid piece of paper being glued
on top of the drawing.
Copyright (C) 1985,1986 Emark Systems. 11-09-1987 page 21
F2(or RETURN) PUT OR affixes an area from the computer's
memory onto the drawing, but treats the rectangular shaped
area to be PUT on the drawing as if it were a transparent piece
of paper being glued on top of the drawing.
F3 LIFT(XOR) performs an XOR function of the symbol onto
the drawing.
F4 LOAD SYMBOL retrieves a frequently used symbol from
F5 SAVE SYMBOL saves a frequently used symbol to disk.
F6 OPEN PATH opens a path for symbols. Different type symbols
can be saved in different directories.
F7 FLIP X rotates a symbol horizontally 180 degrees.
F8 FLIP Y rotates a symbol vertically 180 degrees.
F9 returns user to DRAW mode.
ESC returns user to DRAW mode.
SPACEBAR loads next symbol of like name from disk. If user used
F4 to load BOX0, then depressing the SPACEBAR will load BOX1.
BACKSPACE same as SPACEBAR except in the other direction. If
last symbol was a BOX7, then depressing the BACKSPACE will load
SYMBOLS---------------------------------------------SYMBOL MODE
Symbols are rectangular areas of a drawing that a user can
specify. While the user is most interested within the
symbol inside the rectangle, Edraw treats the entire
rectangle as a symbol. Once a user defines a rectangle that
contains a symbol of interest, this symbol can be moved,
copied, flipped horizontally, flipped vertically, saved to a
disk, and recalled from the disk and placed upon a drawing.
Users can invoke the LIFT command either by highlighting the
LIFT AN AREA, GO TO SYMBOL MODE menu option that is found on
the F10 HELP menu from DRAW mode, or by typing "LIFT". Prior
to invoking the command, the lift area must be enclosed in an
imaginary box between the checkmark and curser.
The cursor or symbol does not become part of a drawing
unless it is PUT on the drawing. In SYMBOL mode the
current symbol will begin to blink to help users identify the
current symbol. Just because you see the symbol on the screen
does not imply that it will be printed on your program's
output. After positioning a symbol to a desired location on
the drawing the user must PUT the symbol on the drawing.
Copyright (C) 1985,1986 Emark Systems. 11-09-1987 page 22
PUT SYMBOLS-----------------------------------------SYMBOL MODE
In SYMBOL mode, F1 and F2 allow the user to PUT a symbol
on his drawing. The RETURN key is equivalent to the F2 key and
is the normal method of placing symbols.
F1 treats the symbol (actually a rectangular group of binary
bits) as a solid patch of paper that is placed over an
area on an existing drawing. Using F1 to PUT a symbol
(rectangular patch of binary bits) onto a drawing will
cover portions of the existing drawing. In the following
figure a resistor is placed over a line - without erasing the
line - with the F1 key; and a buffer is replaced by an inverter
- without removing the buffer - with the F1 key.
.figure EXSYF1
F2 (or the RETURN key) treats the symbol (actually a
rectangular group of binary bits) as a transparent sheet that
contains the symbol. Using F2 to PUT a symbol will not block
the existing drawing with blank sections of the symbol. F2 (
or RETURN ) is the normal method of placing a symbol on the
After using either F1 or F2 to PUT a symbol on the drawing,
the four arrow keys can be used to move copies of the symbol to
other locations on the drawing. Remember, only those symbols
that have been PUT onto a drawing will become part of the
If a symbol is placed directly above an identical symbol that
has already been PUT onto a drawing, then both symbols will
temporarily disappear. Moving the cursor or symbol off the
identical shape on the drawing will leave the drawing
F3 XOR----------------------------------------------SYMBOL MODE
In SYMBOL mode, F3 performs an XOR function of the symbol onto
the drawing. (XOR performs a bit for bit comparison of the
symbol's and drawing's bits that are covered by the symbol.)
By placing an identical symbol on top of a symbol that exists
on a drawing, F3 can be used to erase and/or move the
symbol. Prior to pressing F3, users should position an
identical symbol on top of the portion of the drawing to be
erased or moved. When the shapes disappear, pressing F3 will
erase or lift the symbol off the drawing.
LOADING SAVED SYMBOLS-------------------------------SYMBOL MODE
Copyright (C) 1985,1986 Emark Systems. 11-09-1987 page 23
In SYMBOL mode, F4 allows users to load previously saved
symbols. Upon pressing the F4 key, Edraw will ask the user
for the name of the previously saved symbol with the following
prompt:"Symbol?" If the desired symbol is not located on the
default disk, users should include the drive specification
before the symbol's name. If the symbol exists, the named
symbol will appear on the CRT and become the active symbol.
If the symbol does not exist, Edraw will instruct the user
that the symbol does not exist, and prompt the user to press a
key to return to SYMBOL mode.
Edraw will append the extension ".SYM" to the symbol load
request if the USER does not supply an extension.
Edraw is compatible with other software developer's symbols: PC-
KEY-DRAW's and DRAW-IT's ".PIC" files. To load, depress F4 and
enter the symbol name including the extension. EDRAW crashing
while attempting to load an incorrect file is an indication of
SAVING SYMBOLS--------------------------------------SYMBOL MODE
In SYMBOL mode, F5 allows users to save symbols to a disk.
Users might create a frequently used symbol in DRAW mode and
then enter SYMBOL mode in order to save the symbol to one of
their libraries. To save symbols to a library, press F5 and
Edraw will prompt for the name of the symbol by "symbol?".
You may respond with or without a drive specification in
standard DOS format. If no drive is included, the symbol will
be saved to the default drive. EDRAW will append the
extension ".SYM".
Symbol names can be grouped as to function. To group symbols,
reserve the last character in the symbol name as a pointer.
Name your Symbols XXXXX0, XXXXX1, XXXXX2, XXXXX3 etc.. This
scheme can continue on thru the ascii alphabet and can start
If the last F4 loaded symbol was XXXXX0, then depressing the
SPACEBAR key would automatically load XXXXX1. The SPACEBAR key
and the BACKSPACE will automatically move the user thru this
family of symbols.
F6 OPEN SYMBOL PATH---------------------------------SYMBOL MODE
Depressing F6 in the SYMBOL mode will request that a SYMBOL
path be selected. EDRAW looks for EDRAW.CFG for the path
names. See EDRAW.CFG in INTRODUCTION section of this
manual. Users should separate different type, of symbols into
different directories.
Copyright (C) 1985,1986 Emark Systems. 11-09-1987 page 24
For example, flowchart symbols are not provided by EDRAW
because they can be easily designed by the user - boxes and
triangles. Using DOS, create a directory called FLOWC and place
this path name into EDRAW.CFG. Draw your boxes and triangles,
use F6 in the SYMBOL mode to open the FLOWC path and save your
boxes and triangles. Design several size boxes and name them
BOX0 thru BOX5. When you need a box, depress F4 and answer
BOX0, then use the SPACEBAR key or the BACKSPACE key to select
the desired box. Use the same method to design decision boxes -
AUTOMATED DEMONSTRATION-------------------------------TUTORIAL
Emark Systems provides one or more automated demonstration
tutors. These are named Edemo1, Edemo2..... To start a
demonstration reboot computer to remove all stay-resident
drivers then
floppy user: insert installed disk into drive A
floppy user: A: <ret>
hard disk user: C: <ret> your hard disk drive
hard disk user: CD\EDRAW <ret>
EDEMO1 (ret).
Press any key to advance past the copyright notice. From the
UTILITY menu, press CTRL O (the letter). Advance the
demonstrations with the space bar. To stop a demo, depress
CTRL, ALT, DELETE - reboot computer - and remove the disk.
MANUAL TUTORIAL----------------------------------------TUTORIAL
The next section is a walk-thru tutorial. Note: on some
keyboards the RETURN key may be labeled ENTER, RETURN or RET.
With EDRAW disk 1 in your default drive enter EDRAW (ret).
Depress any key to advance past the copyright notice.
The next display is the UTILITY mode display.
Press the space bar several times to observe its
positioning effect. Now press the up and down arrow keys;
they also allow selection of a utility.
The RETURN key would execute the highlighted task.
Copyright (C) 1985,1986 Emark Systems. 11-09-1987 page 25
Highlight the "GO TO WINDOW MODE" option. Notice the key
F9 would also move you to the WINDOW mode. Press the
RETURN key to go to the WINDOW mode.
At this time you may observe gibberish on the screen.
Press F1 and the RETURN key to erase the drawing.
You should note that the F1 key in the WINDOW mode is the only
way to erase the entire drawing.
Press F9 several times or hold F9 down.
Notice on the lower right corner the 3 modes you are going
thru: DRAW, WINDOW, and TEXT. DRAW is used to draw lines, etc.;
WINDOW is used to scroll or pan; and TEXT is used to enter text
or written information.
Press the ESC and you should be back in the UTILITY mode.
The ESC key in TEXT, WINDOW, DRAW modes will return you to the
Press F9 until you enter DRAW mode. Press the INS key.
You have positioned the mark at the cursor position. All
drawing functions reference this mark. Move the cursor to the
right until UX on the screen reads 480. Now press the "V" key.
You have drawn a line from left to right. The RETURN can also
be used to draw from the mark to the cursor.
Press F10(the HELP key).
The HELP key provides a list of functions that can be per-
formed. On the right is the key or word command that would
execute this function. You previously pressed the INS and "V"
which are "insert mark here" and "draw from mark to here". As
you learn more EDRAW commands, you will have to return to the
HELP menu less and less.
Use the ESC key to exit the HELP mode without executing a
HELP function.
The following tutorial section assumes that you are in the DRAW
Move the cursor somewhere to the left on the CRT. Press
the INS key. Now move the cursor to the right and down.
Press the HELP key(F10) and select "draw a box". Press the
Copyright (C) 1985,1986 Emark Systems. 11-09-1987 page 26
You have made a box (note: you could also have typed "[" or "]"
directly in the DRAW mode to draw the box).
Now let's lift the box. Press the INS key with the cursor
on a corner. Move the cursor to the opposite corner and
press the HELP key. Highlight "lift area" and press
Notice that you are in the SYMBOL mode and your symbol is the
box. You have lifted the box and anything that you might have
drawn inside the box.
With the arrow keys, move the box to the right a few steps
and observe that it is lifted. The symbol can also be
moved left and right with the keys "<" ">" (without the
SHIFT key). Experiment with these keys and notice that the
symbol can be moved much faster with these keys. Press F2
to place the box on the drawing. Move and place boxes all
over the screen with the F2 key. The F2 key merges the box
with the screen. The RETURN key can also be used and
functions like the F2 key. Press the ESC key.
Use the ESC key or the F9 key to exit the SYMBOL mode and
return to the DRAW mode.
Read the bottom function key description line. F2 is labeled
SYMBOL; this means that pressing F2 will also place you into
the SYMBOL mode.
Press F2.
While you are in the SYMBOL mode, notice the bottom function
key description line. The box that was made into a symbol
previously could be saved with the F5 key.
Press F6 to open a SYMBOL path. Select GATES and depress
Press F4 at this time and answer BUFF1 for the filename
request. Depress the SPACEBAR key and the BACKSPACE key
and notice an automatic loading of symbols. Move this
symbol with the arrow keys and PUT it on the drawing with
the RETURN key. At this time exit the symbol mode with the
ESC key.
Your drawing area is probably filled with boxes and lines.
Press the HELP key. Locate and execute the "erase crt
Copyright (C) 1985,1986 Emark Systems. 11-09-1987 page 27
This is the end of the manual tutorial - "Many happy drawings."
MOUSE SUPPORT--------------------------------------------------
Edraw has been tested and works well with Mousesystems,
Microsoft, Radio Shack, Logitech, and AT & T mice. Many users
who have used Edraw in conjunction with a mouse have realized
significant savings in time.
The mouse interface which Edraw uses to control the mouse is
provided by the mouse manufacturer through a device or DOS
resident program. Edraw looks for this support through
interrupt 33H. Edraw is compatible with the following mouse
Mouse.com Microsoft Corporation
Msmouse.com Mouse Systems Corporation
or any software that is compatible with the above two
drivers. Type MOUSE <ret> or MSMOUSE <ret> to activate the
mouse driver.
The mouse buttons issue the following commands to EDRAW:
LEFT BUTTON The left button is equivalent to the RETURN
key. Edraw menus can be selected with mouse
movements and executed with the left button.
In DRAW mode, the RETURN key can be used to
draw a line - the left button is a convenient
"draw line from checkmark to cursor" command.
In SYMBOL mode, the return key is equivalent
to the F2 key - the left button is a
convenient "place symbol on drawing" command.
RIGHT BUTTON F10 or help menu
The Radio Shack mouse installation requires users to add a line
to the DOS file that is named CONFIG.SYS Using the editor of
your choice (or EDLIN), add the following line to the
Copyright (C) 1985,1986 Emark Systems. 11-09-1987 page 28
The AT & T mouse that is attached to the keyboard does not
require any setup procedures.
If you find mouse actions to be reversed - up is down and
down is up - then the mouse driver has been incorrectly
programmed. Contact your mouse manufacture for a
corrected version of MOUSE.COM or MSMOUSE.COM.
1) The INS key and arrow keys do not work. Check number
2) Edraw doesnt work. Three reasons are not enough memory,
not a Color Graphic Adapter (CGA) or not an IBM or
4) I loose part of the printout on the H.P. laser printer.
The HP Laser Printer must be the PLUS version which
contains more memory.
5) What do I do if Edraw crashes? Not to worry. Check that
your are in the directory that you should be in and re-
enter Edraw. The drawing should still be in memory.
4) The demonstration programs fall apart after running a few
minutes. The demo programs assume that "GATES" is the
first SYMBOL selection in the configuration file
EDRAW.CFG. and that EDRAW.CFG exists. Configuring EDRAW
other than thru the Emark Systems install procedures is
permitted but the demonstrations will not work.
BACKSPACE, 21, 23, 24, 26
BOXES, 1, 14, 24, 26
CHECKMARK, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 21, 27
CIRCLES, 1, 14, 15
CLRCRT, 13, 15
crash, 23, 28
DIFF, 4, 7, 8, 18, 21, 23
EDRAW.CFG, 4, 5, 6, 9, 20, 23, 24, 28
ENHANCED, 1, 3, 5
ERASE, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 22, 25, 26
ESC, 2, 6, 8, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 25, 26
F1, 7, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27
F10, 12, 13, 16, 17, 21, 27
F2, 6, 12, 19, 20, 21, 22, 26, 27
F3, 9, 12, 19, 21, 22
F4, 21, 23, 24, 26
F5, 6, 8, 12, 16, 17, 21, 23, 26
F6, 17, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 26
F7, 10, 13, 16, 21
F8, 13, 16, 20, 21
F9, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 19, 21, 25, 26
FLIP, 21
FONTS, 1, 2, 4, 6, 19, 20
GATES, 26, 28
HELP, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 21, 25, 26, 27
home, 4, 17
HSEG, 11, 18
IMPORT, 12, 18, 20
INCHES, 10, 18
INITIAL, 9, 10, 11, 18
LIFT, 6, 13, 17, 21, 22, 26
LOAD, 1, 7, 8, 12, 21, 22, 23, 26
LOADING, 22, 26
MAGNIFY, 13, 17
MICRO, 3, 16, 17, 20, 27
mouse, 1, 3, 16, 27, 28
PANNING, 1, 11
parameter, 5, 8, 9, 10, 14, 18
PATH, 6, 8, 9, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 26
PRINT, 1, 2, 3, 7, 9, 10, 18, 21, 28
SAVE, 1, 7, 8, 10, 12, 17, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26
SAVING, 8, 23, 27
SPACEBAR, 21, 23, 24, 26
SUMMARY, 12, 20
TAB, 1, 2, 4, 10, 11, 19, 20, 23
userzero, 13
UX, 10, 13, 18, 25
UY, 10, 13, 18
VSEG, 11, 18
WIDTH, 13, 16
XOR, 21, 22
Remit to: Emark Systems
P.O. Box 13796
Albuquerque NM 89192
Company ____________________________________________________
Name ____________________________________________________
Address ____________________________________________________
City, State ____________________________________________________
Country ____________________________________ Zip:___________
Phone Work: ________________________ Phone Home:______________________
Qty:_______ Edraw Software package(s) at $49.95 each _______._____
$5.00 overseas shipping cost _______._____
$2.00 shipping & handling _______._____
total _______._____
Please send most current EDRAW distribution disk and
list of other computer programs. _____$6.00___
Payment is by:
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Card number___________________ Expiration date______________
Card holder name:_______________________________
Card holder Signature___________________________